新世代月間 新世代委員会
会員卓話 大上会員
今日のソング「 君が代 奉仕の理想  」
財団奨学生 小林加奈子様
小林さん 柴田会長
■2003年8月28日(木) 晴れ  第664回  No.8
点鐘(18:30) お客様
柴田会長  R財団奨学生 小林加奈子様
 「 世界に一つだけの花 」
 皆さん こんばんは
本日は、小林加奈子さんにお見え頂いております。 ロータリー財団、国際親善奨学生として9月27日にニュージーランドへ出発致します。 約半年間、奨学生として充実した日々を過ごされるよう、ご期待致しております。 後程卓話をお願いしております。
 過日、会員増強セミナーが篠山市民センターで行われ、島村増強委員長と出席して参りました。 大阪の戸田PGの講話があり、増強、退会防止の為の具体的な考え方としてわかり安い内容でしたので、皆様にも配布致しております。 是非ご一読下さい。 翌日もR財団、社会奉仕合同セミナーがあり、森本、味地会員に出席願いました。 ご苦労様でした。 後程、委員長報告にて各々、ご報告下されば幸いです。
 私は、その足で今年度私共のクラブの大きな行事の一つであります「米山詣で」の為に三島に向かいました。 親睦を兼ねたゴルフコンペ、宿での語らい、記念館で日本のロータリーの歴史を垣間見る事が出来た事等、短時間でご報告し切れない充実した二泊三日でした。 ご参加下さいました10名の会員の皆様のご協力に心より御礼申し上げます。
 特に、今回の行事をご準備下さいました下山米山委員長にはクラブ奉仕の実践のお手本としてのきめ細かいご配慮に感謝申し上げる次第です。 お蔭様で思い出に残る旅となりました。 時を同じくして心配を致しておりました中島副会長の母上様が亡くなられました。 皆様、その場で弔意を表して下されば有り難く存じます。
 ご協力有難うございました。   終わります。

関西骨髄バンク推進協会より 礼状を戴いております。
三田市文化協会より 千丈寺湖月見の夕べの開催案内を頂いております
豊岡RCより 第21回インターアクト地区年次大会への礼状を戴いております
週報を 芦屋川RC 神戸有馬RCより頂いております
米山梅吉記念館のパンフレット バナーを回覧いたします

会員数 出席会員 出席率 前々回修正
25名 22名 88.0%
本日の欠席者: 荻野 片木 中各会員
  1位 柳田会員
  2位 古門会員
  3位 柴田会員

柴田会長 米山詣で 出席会員に敬意を表して
湊川コンペで 柳田会員にお世話になりました
柳田幹事 湊川ゴルフコンペ参加していただいた方に 大変お世話になり有難うございました
前回欠席 申し訳ありません
中嶋会員 先日義母の葬儀に際して 深いご厚情を賜り有難う御座いました
下山会員 米山詣での皆様 ご苦労様でした
東野会員 先日の米山詣で 大変楽しく 会長初め実行委員長 そして皆様に感謝して
古門会員 米山詣で 下山会員 お世話になりました
岡本会員 塔下さんの本を頂いて
米山詣で 大変お世話になりました
谷郷会員 下山15周年実行委員長 大変いい勉強させていただきました
島村会員 篠山での会員増強セミナーで柴田会長にお世話になりました
坂林会員 欠席が多くてすみません


 卓話  ロータリー財団国際親善奨学生  小林加奈子さん

 Hello! Thank you very much for inviting me to this party and giving me the opportunity to introduce myself. I have been recommended by Sanda-south Rotary Club as a Rotary ambassadorial scholarship student. And my name is KANAKO. Because I was born in Kamo town and that is close to Nara Prefecture. And a lot of Japanese girls have「子」at the last of the first name. And my family name KOBAYASHI. This means small woods.

My city, Sanda also has a meaning, three rice field. Sanda city is surrounded by hills and mountains. And as the name says, there are a lot of rice fields. My city is, what you call, a rural area. But the last ten years, Sanda city got the No.1 in a population growth rate in Japan. Because many new towns were built and they are becoming bigger and bigger. My house is also located in one of the town “Woody town”.      (pictures)

Can you guess what I am wearing today? This is YUKATA, a Japanese traditional cloth. Perhaps you have heard KIMONO. YUKATA is one kind of KIMONO for everyday wear in Summer season. So, I should wear a more formal KIMONO to today’s party. But It is very difficult for me to wear it by myself. YUKATA is the easiest KIMONO to wear. Still, I have practiced wearing YUKATA many times before I came to New Zealand. Because I wanted to tell you something Japanese. But this is just for showing not for explaining. I have just started learning Kimono.

So, Today I am going to introduce my mother tongue, Japanese Because I am very good at Japanese. I have learned Japanese for 21 years and 3 months. I’d like you to know Japanese culture through the language of Japan.

As it is often said that Japanese are not good at discussions. Asserting yourself and making listeners understand what you really want to say are very important in any discussion. But Japanese like to make Vague expressions, seldom assert themselves and try to sympathize with opinions of the others. Japanese take the relationship as a serious matter more than insisting their own opinions. So, they prefer to saying “I think that…” “I feel that…” “maybe…” in order not to give you a big shock. Even if they don’t agree, they continue to listen to what you say and try to understand it.

Most Japanese always worry about the relationship with you, they try not to hurt your feelings. For example, a man from abroad asks a Japanese lady to drive somewhere this weekend. First, Japanese lady would say “It sounds good”. Next she would make even a compliments, “Drive in fall is wonderful. Red and Yellow leaves are very nice”. The man from abroad thinks he can drive with her this weekend. Furthermore she would say “I have wanted to go driving. I really want to go…” then her real intension goes, “But I am busy this weekend, and I have my friend’s wedding ceremony” At last, she says “No” to his invitation. He would be very surprised at this turnabout.

Though the answer of this Japanese lady is “No” from the beginning, she put a buffer before saying “No” not to hurt him. But the man take that buffer as her real feelings and thinks it means “Yes”. People from abroad who don’t know Japanese way to say “No” think that Japanese are extremely illogical. Japanese “Yes” can turn into “No” easily.

You can see this symptoms even in the structure of Japanese. In English a verb and a negation come second to the subject. In Japanese, on the other hand, they come to the last. So, you can change your opinion before you say the conclusion. Yes or No. That kind of talks can be heard in the conversation between Japanese. And do you know how Japanese change their opinions? While talking, Japanese look the expression of a listener and get their opinions and feelings. If the listener seems to disagree, they would change their opinions or make an ambiguous remark. Then, why Japanese people often make vague expressions? Because of the structure of their language? Or because they are Japanese? I think both.


As I told you, Japanese prefer harmony, the words to say “No” didn’t develop in this society.

My friend from Korea asked me “Why do you say 「いいです」 when you don’t need the service?” 「いいです」 is like “No, thank you” in English. But it means “Good”. It is not a Proper word to say “No”. I couldn’t explain why. And we have another “No, thank you” in Japan. 「結構です」 this is politer than 「いいです」. 「結構です」 also has meaning “good” and “I have been satisfied”.

And there is one more interesting word 「検討します」. It means “I will consider it”. But most Japanese use that word when they want to refuse a proposal in a formal situation. If people from abroad hear “I will consider it” they expect the proposal is accepted. Nowadays in the business world, it is very famous that the answer is “No” when Japanese say “I will consider it”.

Perhaps, You, New Zealanders use “Yes” and “No” clearly, asserting yourself strongly and are good at discussions more than Japanese. Because the structure of English is suit to that kind of expressions. But there are a lot of English these days, British English, American English, New Zealand English, Australian English…and even Japanese English. I think they are very different. It is natural if the culture, values and customs are different.

In the University of Otago language center I an going to study English. Grammar, pronounciation and intonation. But what I want to study most is how English lives in Kiwi’s life. I would like to learn New Zealand English. Language tells us the lifestyle and the value of whom use that language. I expect that my imagination to New Zealand would change during my stay in Dunedin.

Thank you!




  結構です    このように日本は調和を好む社会であるせいか、断る、否定する、「NO」と言うための言葉が発展しなかったようです。